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Phone :18565841484

Email :18565841484@163.com

Addr :301, No. 12 Jiuxiang, Luozhu Shangxin Village, Luozhu Community, Shiyan Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen

        Human resources are the company's first resource, the foundation of the company's survival and the driving force for its development. The company upholds the philosophy of cherishing talents and cherishing talents, adheres to the people-oriented principle, focuses on talent training, creates a corporate culture atmosphere of mutual trust and mutual respect for the growth and progress of employees, and creates necessary conditions for employees’ technological and management innovations. Build an elite team that is determined to make progress, pragmatic and innovative, and daring to fight well, and reward and praise employees with outstanding performance and outstanding contributions.

        We focus on motivation and sharing to continuously improve the salary and welfare system, actively promote the performance management system, allow employees to share operating results with the company, and encourage employees to pursue excellence. We adopt both internal selection and recommendation and external introduction to gather talents. Develop and retain talents through the establishment of multi-channel career channels.

        We appreciate those who work hard, and we respect those who are brave enough to innovate and take responsibility. Excellent quality and a high degree of professionalism are what we respect. For those who are capable, we fully authorize them, and for those who are meritorious, we grant generous values. We emphasize system management, and employ talents, eclectic. Discovering talents, discovering talents, is what we have been pursuing.

        What we provide to you is not only a job, but also a broad career development space, a life stage where you can give full play to your strengths, talents and creativity!

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Service Hotline


Addr:301, No. 12 Jiuxiang, Luozhu Shangxin Village, Luozhu Community, Shiyan Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen